Captains Drive In

Captain’s Drive In 2023

It’s that time of year again – the time when we welcome the new leaders of our club for the upcoming year. And what better way to kick things off than with a Captain’s Drive-In?

Excitement and anticipation filled the air at our Meet the Captains Day on 16th April, as our new captains teed off into their 2023/24 season.

It was a huge success! We would like to thank our professional Adrian Ambler for supporting the drive in so well and thank you to everyone who took the time to come along and participate in this memorable event.

Let’s raise a glass to our new captains, Keith, Jeanette, Dean and Will – we wish you all the best of luck! And to our members – thank you for your support, and here’s to a great season of golf ahead!

(pictured left to right, Rabbit Captain: Dean, Junior Captain: Will, Club Captain: Keith, Ladies Captain: Jeanette)

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